Saturday, July 10, 2010

The best laid plans...

I'd intended to review 3 blogs dedicated to Barack Obama's presidency today, Sunday, but each one - each one! - was unsuitable for the Kindle. All they did was give a paragraph of text. Then, some were just done, no way to access the rest of the story. The other two let you access the story, but using the "Read more" button, and I always find that so clunky that I've stopped reviewing those blogs here.

I did review them on Amazon, though, pointing out my displeasure at the formatting problem. (There is a way for a blog publisher to choose a feed so that Kindle readers get the entire post, and don't have to use the read more function, but these three blogs didn't have that.)

Nevertheless, the political blog party will now happen on Monday instead of today, Sunday. I've decided to take Sunday as a day of rest. I'll find three good blogs to review for Monday. Some may be pro-Obama, some may be against Obama, but they'll all deal with Obama. Plus I'll publish a few retro-reviews of political blogs.

(As an aside, I received my subscription report today from Amazon, and subscribers are up to 130, so thank you very much, one and all! Hope you enjoy the reviews, and subscribe to a few blogs that interest you. Stay tuned here for more, same bat time, same bat station, Monday!)

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