Friday, January 27, 2012

The Repurposed Writer (arts & entertainment)

REVIEWED BY: Marguerite Zelle




BLOG DESCRIPTION: I am a repurposed writer who got off the couch several months ago, formatted my out-of-print backlist books published them on Amazon and now sell them in the Kindle store. The idea of publishing another book with a traditional publisher was soul crushing and I remained silent for several years. E-publishing has set me free. My mind used to only work for a couple of hours in the morning. Now it works all the time. I don't know if I will sell enough books to make a difference in my life but the psychic income of having control to publish my writing and control what happens to it is thrilling. Yes, thrilling. The first day, I pulled the trigger and uploaded my historical epic novel, Daughters, onto the publishing platform on Amazon, I was beyond happy. As Truman Capote said when he sold two short stories in one day: Dizzy with happiness is no mere phrase. It used to be that I would clean the oven to avoid writing. Now I write avidly because I know I can publish what I write. I have satisfied my two passions - writing and commerce. I'd love to share the ride with you and also everything else that I think about.

MY REVIEW: I enjoyed this blog from a fellow writer. It's a blog of interest to everyone - writers, who has an interest in what goes on in a daily basis within ourselves.

Her book titles are interesting. I particularly liked Thinner Thighs in Thirty Years!

Sample post:
"I'm with the rescue boats."
Hop scotching over the news:

In the phrasing is everything department:
“Get back on board!” De Falco (Coast Guard) to the Captain of the Costa Concordia.
“I’m with the rescue boats.” Captain Francesco Schettino.

In the equal opportunity department:
People are all upset about the image of President Obama on the cover of Newsweek.
“ He looks terrible, and surprisingly like Jimmy Carter, even down to the downturned liverish lips and incipient jowls.”
Let’s not forget Michele Bachman’s cover where Newsweek gave her those googly unfocused eyes. It all evens out.

In the giggling over excess department:
Poor Paula Dean. Yes, she sort of withheld the truth. Is that lying? (I think lying has its place.) Yes, she is now being compensated by a drug company that provides relief for diabetics. Yes, she doesn’t make sense when she begins to defend the timing of her revelation. Maybe all that maniacal giggling over her excess that goes on in the cooking show is not put on. Okay here’s our problem. We thought Paula was lovable, like our ditzy Auntie Josephine. Now we find out she is an avaricious uncontrollable giggler who is slavishly devoted to money. What’s wrong with that?

Apropos of nothing remember when Christopher Hitchens called Mother Teresa an avaricious gnome? How can you not miss that guy?

Too much admiration can ruin you department:
Tom Hanks’ dog, Monty, died. That was a headline. I’m not one to feel that because our brave young soldiers are dying in foreign lands we can’t say anything fun but come on. Here’s my problem with Tom Hanks. People loved him too much and then he thought he was too special and could be good at everything. Who wouldn’t? I think his “jump the shark” moment came right after Forrest Gump. Then he began acting all “awh shucks” that was really hiding, “I’m so freaking special but I don’t want to look as if I agree.” Whenever anything good happens to me I start acting up, too, so I’m no better than Tom Hanks except no one is shoving a microphone in my face.

An irrelevant revelation department:
Newt Gingrich’s ex revealed that Newt wanted “an open marriage.” If you were named Newt and looked like a kewpie doll and some good-looking woman wanted to have an affair with you, wouldn’t you want an open marriage? Remember when Jimmy Carter admitted to having “lust in his heart.” In the Catholic Church there’s no difference between lust in your heart and lust in the bed. Thought or deed, a sin is a sin. I would give Newt a pass on this one especially since the ex who is blabbing was the “affair” when Newt was married to another.

Okay, that’s the news in a nutshell except for the irresistible clip of our President looking up at Al Green and singing a phrase from “Let’s Stay Together” at the Apollo.

--I tilt toward nurture.
--Goodnight Moon for Grandma
--#SampleSunday: "I'm so worried and afraid."
--E-warning! I'm going to ramble. (Redux)
--"I'm with the rescue boats."
--Have this blog delivered to your device. Whaaaat?...
--Letting Spills Harden on the Stove
--“Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow” Steve Jobs
--The power of soup and the power of sound.

Reviews published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Check out my kindle BOOKS!:Whose Body, by Dorothy Sayers (the Annotated Edition)
The Coldest Equations (science fiction)
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
The Lady and the Tiger...Moth

Monday, January 23, 2012

Eve Le QiNu's Flashwords - Unofficial Scrabble Study Guide

This is why I've missed several days worth of posting. I've been working on this Scrabble Guide. Volume 1 went on sale about a week ago. I finished Volume 2 yesterday and uploaded it, and it is also available now.

Scrabble enthusiasts will love these two books which will help them memorize all 2- and 3-letter words - the building blocks of any successful Scrabble strategy.

(The books are also available on the Nook)

Here's the link to Volume 1:

Here's the link to Volume 2

Description from Vol 1
A 7-letter word (bingo) in Scrabble is a spectacular play, averaging 70 points in a single turn. But if you know your 2-letter and 3-letter words back-words and fore-word (and middle-word), you can easily make up those points in two well-played turns, by making five 2-and 3-letter words in a single turn and reaping the benefits.

In Volume 1 of Eve Le QiNu's Flashwords, an unofficial Scrabble and other word game study guide) we help you memorize all the 2-letter and 3-letter words currently approved for Scrabble.

We do this by the Flashcard system. You read a definition, you think of the word, you go to the next page and find out if you're right. Or you're given a list of words - all the 3-letter words that begin with the letter A and end in the letter A and are asked, Which one is missing.

It's a fun game and one that will help you memorize these words quickly.

We've broken it into two volumes, as this volume already has 2000 pages.

First we cover the 2-letter words, then the 3-letter words which end in the letters from A to G. (The next volume will cover 3-letter words that end in letters from H to Z, plus some other fun stuff).

At the back of the book are also word lists - 2 letter words sorted by first letter and last letter, and 3 letter words sorted by first letter, middle letter and last letter.

Eve Le Qinu is the pseudonym of Caroline Miniscule, who has written two science fiction novels - the Coldest Equations: The People Out There and The Coldest Equations: The Labyrinth Makers.

She also has a five year mission to memorize every single word in the Scrabble dictionary and become a world champion Scrabble player.

Description from Vol 2
In Volume 2 of Eve Le QiNu's Flash Words, an Unofficial Scrabble and Word Game study guide, we continue our quiz of 3-letter words, beginning with those 3-letter words ending in the letter H and continuing on through the letter Z.

We also provide appendices: 2-letter words sorted by 1st and last letter, and 3-letter words sorted by first, middle and last letter.

The 2- and 3-letter words are the building blocks of any successful scrabble player's high scores. While a bingo of 70 points in one turn may be spectacular, that person's competitor can make up that score in two turns, if they know how to parlay 2-and 3-letter words into a 35 point score or so, by spelling five or more 2-and 3-letter words at one time and reaping the benefits.

In Volume 1, we gave unique and humorous definitions for all those 2- and 3-letter words that might be unknown to the average player, and then segued into a flash-card like game in which the reader was presented with a list of words - for example 2 out of the 3 3-letter words that began with H and ended in G, and asked to name the missing word. (We also give the reader a hint, never fear).

In Volume 2, which is over 1,500 pages, we continue that game with 3-letter words ending in the letters H through Z.

This type of game helps our readers remember these words and increase their ability to remember them when the time comes to play Scrabble.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

T E O T W A W K I (Doomsday 2012)

REVIEWED BY: Marguerite Zelle




BLOG DESCRIPTION: Mankind has always been obsessed with the end of the word. On several occasions throughout history, members of cults have gathered together in caves or other locations to wait out the end of the world - which of course has never ended. The latest obsession is the belief that when the Mayan Long Calendar ends on 12/21/12, the world will end. This blog will spend a year chronicling the evolution of this most current fear, "Doomsday 2012" - from the books published on the subject to the TV shows made to the people who believe it and their actions. We also study the culture of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas. And we'll also discuss the psychology and literature of those individuals and organizations who await for TEOTWAWKI . While we believe these individuals are misguided, articles will be posted in a respectful manner. Only the dawn of December 22, 2012 will prove who is right in that regard. This blog is updated at least a couple of times a week.

MY REVIEW: This blog represents the danger of using an in-joke as a name. I don't think very many people will be doing a search on T E O T W A W K I (the end of the world as we know it). Much better if they'd named it Doomsday 2012, or The Doomsday Seekers, or something like that.

For those folks who don't know why a certain amount of people think the world will end on Dec 21, 2012, this is the blog for you.

For those who wonder why people are so quick to embrace the end of the world...this blog will eventually be for you!

--The Mayan Calendar
--ROONEY BIN: Hoping for an end to doomsday predicti...
--The Mayan Series of Calendars
--What is a baktun?
Reviews published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Check out my kindle BOOKS!:
Whose Body, by Dorothy Sayers (the Annotated Edition)
The Coldest Equations (science fiction)
The Lady and the Tiger...Moth

Scrabble Quest

REVIEWED BY: Marguerite Zelle




BLOG DESCRIPTION: By October 10, 2012, I want to have learned/memorized the over 100,000 2-to-8 letter words in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (the American edition!) as well as Scrabble strategy, so that I can compete at a decent level in an NSA sponsored Scrabble tournament.

Learn along with me.

Word lists, word quizzes, playing strategy

MY REVIEW: This blog is simply a lot of fun. Even a casual scrabble player will enjoy it. The not-so-casual scrabble player will learn a lot!

Sample post
Vengeance will be mine
You meet a wide variety of people on the online scrabble club Wordbiz. Some of them are friendly and will chat with you, some won't. Some will do the bare minimum. They'll do Hi, GL to open the game. (Hi and good luck) and at the end of the game TY. GG. (Thank you, good game.)

And I don't mind those. It's obvious they don't want to chat but rather concentrate on the game, and I completely understand that.

What irks me are people who don't respond to those bare minimum overtures.

I had a guy tonight, ZAquariusZ, rankled about 70 points higher than me. He challenged me. I did my, Hi and Gl. No response. I got no vowels on my first rack. Instead of exchanging a few of them - I hate to do that on my first turn - I played an H and a W around a E.

No vowels.

I had no choice. I turned in 4 letters, got back 4 consonants. Again, my opponent spelled a word such that there was nowhere I could go to spell anything that would give me any points, so I turned in 4 letters again. And got back 3 consonants and an O.

So I was frustrated, and I said to my opponent (in a little message bar), something like "3 changes of tiles and I finally get one vowel."

No response.

Well, that really irked me. A simple ; ) to know that he (or she) knew the feeling would have been nice. But no.

Eventually I managed to catch up, but he pulled ahead again at the end and beat me by about 10 points. I said TY, GG. I didn't expect a response and i didn't receive one.

Now, had I won, I'd make a point of never playing this guy again. But he was a jerk and he beat me, so he must pay.I "buddied" him, so I'll be told when he's on the site again, and I'll challenge him, and if the computer plays fair by me I'll beat him.

And then I'll message him, "sucks to you!" and put him on my noplay list!

-- Vengeance will be mine
-- My collection of Scrabble books
-- 6 letter word: R N V O G E
-- How can SIG *not* be a word????
-- The Cynic's Dictionary - the Hs
-- Eve Le QiNu's Flashwords - Unofficial Scrabble Stu...
--- 6 letter anagram: I L L E D K
-- This is a Usable Word? Ablins
-- The Cynic's Dictionary - the Gs
-- This is a Usable Word? Abaser
-- 1000 games, 200 ranking?
Reviews published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Check out my kindle BOOKS!:
Whose Body, by Dorothy Sayers (the Annotated Edition)
The Coldest Equations (science fiction)
The Lady and the Tiger...Moth

The Terry Pratchett Reader

REVIEWED BY: Marguerite Zelle




BLOG DESCRIPTION: Terry Pratchett is the creator of the Discworld - a world that rests on the back of four turtles, which stand on the back of Great A'Tuin, the Star Turtle. The Discworld has witches, wizards, trolls, dwarfs, an orangatang and Death, to name only a few. In this blog, updated every other day, I annotate each of the Discworld novels (there are over 20 of them), share my thoughts on some of Pratchett's powerful imagery, and share news and reviews of Terry Pratchett, his other writings, as well as movie, tv and radio adaptions of his Discworld ouvre.

MY REVIEW: This is a new blog that studies the Discworld ourvre. As a Terry Pratchett fan I find it of interest. Pratchett's works are so popular that there are many small websites and a couple of larger ones devoted to his work. Pratchett's work is sophisticated and he satirizes and homages many other books, movies and TV shows - some evident to an American audience, some not so evident. So for an American audience, this blog should be a lot of fun.

-- The Color of Magic: The Wizard's Quarter
-- The Color of Magic: Krull
-- Colour of Magic covers
Reviews published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Check out my kindle BOOKS!:
Whose Body, by Dorothy Sayers (the Annotated Edition)
The Coldest Equations (science fiction)
The Lady and the Tiger...Moth

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Retro Review #30: John Brown Kin

Not updated often, but the posts are interesting.





BLOG DESCRIPTION: Follow a direct descendant of John Brown as she researches and documents her family history

MY REVIEW: I am more interested in the Civil War time period itself (the military battles) rather than the time period leading up to it, when diplomacy ultimately failed and "cold iron" was necessary to settle the question. Nevertheless, it's fascinating to read about the people of that time period, and what they were willing to sacrfice for their beliefs.

This is a well-written blog, with an author who knows her stuff. Obviously, since she is a descendant of John Brown. Anyone with an interest to the time period leading up to the Civil War, and anyone interested in genealogy, will find this blog of interest.

At the John Brown Remembered Academic Symposium held at Harpers Ferry, WV in October 2009, I had the pleasure of meeting Ian Barford. Ian is an actor, documentary film maker, and the proud father of twins! Last week, Ian traveled to Texas to do interviews for the documentary he is currently working on about John Brown. He traveled to Austin first to interview my good friend Evan Carton, author of Patriotic Treason. He then drove up to Allen to interview me. While he was here I showed him my prized family artifact - Oliver Brown's Bible that he carried throughout his years in Kansas.

The Bible is small, 2 1/2 inches x 3 1/2 inches and just over an inch thick. Just the right size to be carried in an inside pocket of a wool overcoat. The cover is black leather embossed with an ornate design. On the spine, the words Holy Bible are embossed in gold. For a book that is over one hundred sixty years old, the binding is realitively tight, the cover only slightly torn.

On the inside back cover the following is written in pencil, in an ornate old-timey script:
This Bible was carried all through the Kansas troubles by Oliver Brown.
On the left hand inside back page is written the name of the original owner of the Bible, Oliver Brown, in ink and in a beautiful calligraphic hand.

But it is what can be found on the front inside cover that makes this Bible so valuable to me personally -- in pencil, written over and over again, in the handwriting of a young girl perfecting her signature, is the name Annie Brown. It makes me smile to think of young Annie, my great-great grandmother, scrounging around for a piece of paper to practice her penmanship on, and noticing a clean white space inside the cover of big brother's Bible. The temptation was more than she could resist. I imagine that she got into a great deal of trouble when it was discovered that she used the inside cover of the Lord's word for her penmanship practice.

Annie had the Bible in her possession when she moved to California in 1863, and it is one of the items that escaped the fire that distroyed her house and most of her belonging in 1896. Annie passed the Bible to her granddaughter Beatrice Cook Keesey, my grandmother.

-Join Me at the 2010 DFW Writer's Conference in April (FEb 19, 2010)
-2010 Winter GeneaBloggers Olymics Update (Awarding herself medals of appropriate colors for things she's accomplished on her blog - very amusing!) (Feb 18 2010)
-Tarantino to Free the Slaves Next? (Not happy about Tarantino's plan to film a movie about John Brown, given his penchant for violence in his films) (Feb 18, 2010)
-Letter from CORE - Letter to Gov to save John Brown Farm (Feb 17, 2010)
-Winter 2010 GeneaBloggers Olympic Games (Participating in the "Olympics' with other geneolocgical bloggers (Feb 14, 2010)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Anelemc's Blog (life)

REVIEWED BY: Marguerite Zelle

MY RECOMMENDATION: YES, with reservations



BLOG DESCRIPTION: Short pieces on my interpretation of life and excerpts from a book in progress based on oral stories.

MY REVIEW: Another blog that hasn't been updated recently. Well...not since November originally, then one post on Jan 1st and nothing since. But as I know myself everything is at 6s and 7s thanks to the New he may well start posting again.

It's an interesting blog, so at least check out the archives with your 2-week free sub option. If no new entry after that time, unsubscribe.

Sample post:
Self-medication or “What’s your vice?”

Self-medication as Wikipedia states “is a term used to describe the use of drugs (including alcohol) or other self-soothing forms of behavior to treat untreated and often undiagnosed mental distress, stress and anxiety.”

At the mental health facility where I work part time, clients who suffer from various mental health issues abuse their antidepressant medications. As the abuse turns to recreational use, the dosage needed to dull the emotional or physical pain exceeds the psychiatrist’s recommendation. Of course, the term self-medication applies to anyone who abuses prescription meds in order to self soothe. Seroquel, Zoloft, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, Prozac- whatever-the euphoric high these meds can produce is worth the abuse.

Self-medication does not exclude alcohol or pain killers. The bingers, everydayers, the necessary one drink a day to the one bottle a dayers, the wine or beer consumers to the hard-core whiskey and ryers, gin and tequila without the lime on the siders-alcohol is accessible and cheaper than antidepressant meds. Of course there’s, Vicodin, Codeine, Percocet, Hydrocodone, 10mg, 50mg, 500mg or one tablet or two and taken sometimes with an alcoholic chaser and so readily prescribed when sustaining an injury or as post surgical candy.

Okay. Self-medication is bad.

Is it?

What about self-soothing?

There are those who indulge in self-soothing forms of behaviour without the use of psychotropic drugs. Such as, the super athletes’ addiction to endorphins and the caffeine junky who consumes six cups of coffee a day so their internal body cruise control can fly quickly through time. In addition, let us not forget the foodie who grabs snacks of the most comforting kind during all commercial breaks while chasing it down with Coke a Cola (the carbonated sugar drink not the white powder) because a relationship fizzled (just like the Coke). Or, the female chocoholic who downs a 12 piece assorted box of Godiva’s in fifteen minutes because of PMS. Caffeine, endorphins, sugar-the acceptable kinds of comfort foods or exercise, all, legal, accessible and coveted.

There is harm in overindulgence of the self-soothing kind. Obesity, physical ailments and injuries, diabetes, high blood pressure may arise from too much self-soothing while abuse, self-loathing ,self-medication can come from too little.

Too much of a bad thing is not good and too much of a good thing is bad. The goal of self-medication and self-soothing is to numb the pain, which makes everything that will be, okay. Appearances are misleading with the pain, the stress, the anxiety, the paranoia-yes this can go on-of everyday life which at times are unbearable to handle but can exist comfortably under grey clouds of distortion infused by the vice (s) of our choice.

So, what’s your vice?

--2011 in review
--Self-medication or “What’s your vice?”
--What was left behind…Greenwood Cemetary Brooklyn NY
--What was left behind…

Reviews published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Check out my kindle BOOKS!:
Whose Body, by Dorothy Sayers (the Annotated Edition)
The Coldest Equations (science fiction)
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
The Lady and the Tiger...Moth

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ukulele Review (Music)

REVIEWED BY: Marguerite Zelle

MY RECOMMENDATION: Yes...with much reservations



BLOG DESCRIPTION: Reviews of instruments, accessories, books and CDs relating to ukuleles.

MY REVIEW: This blog hasn't been updated since Nov you might not want to chance subscribing to it. On the other hand, I know from experience that many bloggers will start blogging again if someone subscribes to their you might give that a try - especially since you get 2 free weeks to see if they start blogging. And the archives are of interest.

RECENT POSTS: (Recent being a relative word in this case!)
--Gift Ideas for your Favorite Ukulele Player
--The Incredible Folding Ukulele
--Nick Peay Louisville, KY Ukulele Player / Singer-Songwriter
--Flea Market Music Introduces the Fire Fly Banjo Uke
--iProp iPad Music Stand Review

Reviews published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Check out my kindle BOOKS!:
Whose Body, by Dorothy Sayers (the Annotated Edition)
The Coldest Equations (science fiction)
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
The Lady and the Tiger...Moth

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dancing Fields (traveling, family)

REVIEWED BY: Marguerite Zelle


AMAZON SUBSCRIPTION LINK: Dancing Fields, by Anastasia Stanmeyer


BLOG DESCRIPTION: Writer Anastasia Stanmeyer muses about life and finding the extraordinary out of the ordinary. Her witty, insightful writing comes from the perspective a mother of three, world traveler and professional writer who lives on an organic farm in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts.

Description of the author from her blog:
My name is Anastasia Stanmeyer. I’m a writer by trade, by default, by purpose. I’m also a lot of other things: journalist, gallery owner, wife, mother of three, dog owner (two times over), chicken owner (30 or so hens with one very protective, chest-butting cock), organic vegetable grower, all-around farmhand, PTO (not PTA, although the same idea) director, cultural council member and the list goes on. I also spend my time driving around quite a bit, with one son passionate about trumpet (private lessons), another son just starting piano (more private lessons), art programs squeezed in for both boys, and our littlest one finally going to preschool. So where does that leave me? Right here. Writing. Back (finally) to exploring my world, both inner and beyond. And realizing, once again, my fodder is endless.

I find that the similarities and the challenges are many between myself and my contemporaries. We’re faced with the daily grind, the triumphs, the valleys, and all the while don’t want to lose our voice and our individuality as we divide ourselves into the many pieces that get distributed by our obligations.

My life has changed dramatically. For twelve years, I lived in Asia (Hong Kong and Bali) and traveled throughout the region, writing stories of human trafficking and the AIDS epidemic, meeting with Mother Teresa in her Home for the Dying and the Dalai Lama at his Government in Exile, accompanying a Vietnamese family forcibly repatriated to Vietnam, and interviewing sex workers from northern Thailand, Burma, China, the Philippines, Bangladesh and elsewhere. And the stories go on and on. I find my attention now focused primarily on raising our family in the western Berkshires, a dramatic shift in life, yet one that I have embraced wholeheartedly. I’m pulling back the reigns a bit, though, taking a few steps back and looking at myself and what’s going on around me as an observer. And writing about it, because that’s what I do. And that’s what I need to do, for my own peace of mind. And sanity.

MY REVIEW: I enjoyed the blog a great deal.

The author writes well - as may be expected since she's a professional author - and takes the reader on a variety of journeys - both physical and mental.

If you're interested in travel, in family, in the human experience, you'll enjoy this blog.

Sample post
(At least, one half of one):
The RV, Walmart and entering darkness
I’ve been on the road for the last four days on another planet. OK, you’ve heard that before. And, OK, maybe I didn’t cross any national borders or break through the outer atmosphere into another planetary dimension. But I did cross several time zones yet remained on the same land mass.

We were long overdue for an adventure. We decided to hit the road for two weeks, leave the dogs and the chickens and the nearly ripened vegetable gardens in the very capable hands of a young friend and avid rugby player named Greg. Where were we to go? Quite honestly, we wanted to go back to Bali, to visit our old friends and neighbors, and to take the kids on a memorable journey across still-active volcanoes and pristine terraced rice fields. We wanted to return to where was once our home.

That didn’t happen. Instead, we found ourselves smack in the middle of a Phoenix, Arizona, in record-temperatures of 115-plus degrees. It was the kind of heat that was foreign to us even though we lived in subtropical Bali. It was the kind of heat that smacked you when you walked out of the hotel room, and the shade gave no relief.

Overnighting at a Phoenix airport hotel that I cashed in with our airline points, we hit the road the next morning after making a stop at CruiseAmerica. (I quickly realized that their RVs are everywhere on the road in this part of America, easily identifiable by the blatant U-Haulesque advertising on all sides of the exterior that includes a website address and 1-800 number. This was a far cry from our farm setting in the Berkshires.) From the outside, we didn’t know how we could fit five people and an overwhelming amount of luggage in this vehicle. We even asked for a larger size RV, but they were all rented. Surprisingly, once inside, this glorified minitruck was roomier than our first apartment in Asia, a 100-square-foot flat in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. When I put things in perspective, they become much easier to accept.

--Devils Garden
--Coming of Age at Monument Valley
--A Wasteland or the Promise Land?
--Music for the Road and Grand Canyon for the Soul
-The RV, Walmart and entering darkness
--DUM ditty DUM ditty DUM DUM DUM…

Reviews published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Check out my kindle BOOKS!:
Whose Body, by Dorothy Sayers (the Annotated Edition)
The Coldest Equations (science fiction)
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
The Lady and the Tiger...Moth