1. Aayi's Recipes - YES
2. 7 Gadgets - YES
3. Accidental Musings - NO
NO THUMBNAIL AVAIABLE: Aayi's Recipes. An Indian and Konkan Food blog - Sharing authentic, traditional recipes + new successes in the art of Cooking
"Aayi" is the word for mother in the blogger's "mother tongue", Konkani, so this blogger, whose name is Shilpa, chose that for the blog's name to reflect recipes passed from mother to daughter.
The brief narrative introducing the recipes comments on the ingredients and some adjustments that she would like to make, as well as references to other family.
The author's comments are stilted, but conversational. However, the strength of the blog comes through in how well she organizes her presentations.
She lists the ingredients, then gives a narrative, clearly describing how to prepare the dish, step by step, including "Preparation", "Method", "Assembly", and then pictures that show that step-by-step process.
Indian cooking can be exotic, trust me I know from experience here! Shilpa explains what you need, then what you need to do, and last what it should look like DURING the process (not just the perfect photos of what it looks like when the professional cook prepared it.) There is also an excellent system of Categories that make it easy to reference a past post.
More recipe blogs should be this clear.
Last 3 entries:
--Chicken Biryani with Onion-Herb Marinade
--Salmon Gravy
---Spicy Garlicky Radish (Mulangi TaLasani)
The blog is updated every 4 -5 days, which makes subscribing to it via the Kindle a good idea.

And, they do... publish 7 gadgets 7 days a week. This is a guy blog. It is a well done guy blog, but a guy blog none the less!
The writing is clear and describes the product and its purpose, sometimes in as little as one sentence, usually, no more than a short paragraph. It is entertaining and I will give them credit, they know when to let the products speak for themselves and offer no additional description, for example Adult Glow in the Dark Pantyhose. Personally, it doesn't do anything for me, but hey, I can walk pass a Brookstone Store, not walk in, and not think a thing about it!
The last 7 Gadgets:
--Color Changing Table Lantern
--Drink up, Drunk down
--Menu Vignon Wine Thermometer
--Workaholic Pillow
--The Forearm Exerciser
--The One Touch Any Media iPod Reloader
--Seiko Prospex Super Runner's Watch

Most blog ‘experts’ will tell you that to have a successful blog you should pick one subject and stick with it. Sorry, my life it way to random for that. So if you want a good mommyblogger, business blogger, SharePoint blogger, and or any coherent thought at all- you will be asking yourself the “Why am I here” question a lot.
But if you are like me and think that life is fun, and that you deserve to be graced with my opinion on everything then stick around. Cause here you will find such fun things as:
* The Daily Rant
* How to not raise a tween
* Why video games are are the best babysitter ever
* How I make my living
* Some cool links to just about everything…
Ready? Too bad, here we go….
There is a reason most blog "experts" say you need to pick a subject and stick with it - that's what makes a blog work - a theme, you know, something that runs through the whole series of blog entries and makes sense.
After reading through the first three posts here, I was confused and tired. I asked myself "Why am I here?"
Readers do not have to agree with a blogger. We learn from reading opposing views. But, I cannot handle whip lash. In 3 posts and 2 pictures, we went from a rant about snowplows to complaints about the US Army lying, to an explanation about domain changes (we've all been there.)
I believe in free speech and this is an example of that. The posts are long and drawn out, however, I'll give her credit. The blog is up-to-date. She posts several times a week.
Ann Currie publishes My Life a Bit South of Normal www.abitsouthofnormal.com/
and also, Silver Pieces: The Strange and Peculiar strangeandpeculiarsilver.blogspot.com/
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