Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Singleness of Fedora C


MY RECOMMENDATION: NO (not updated since April 2010)

AMAZON SUBSCRIPTION PAGE: The Singleness of Fedora C .


BLOG DESCRIPTION: Meet Fedora C.— an opinionated, outspoken, sometimes politically incorrect, divorcee wh o blogs about her new direction in life as a middle-aged single person. In actuality, Fedora C. isn't a real person; she's a prototype or model of a class of single women just like her

Fedora C.'s name is an acronym of the individual factors that make up her particular kind of singleness: (F)orty something career girl; (E)mpty nester; (D)ivorcee; (O)ver 20 years married; (R)etro DPR (Dating Point of Reference); and (A)frican-American. The C stands for (C)hristian and celibate..

MY REVIEW: Fedora C. is all about embracing your singleness. And, in doing so finding your inner strength. She makes me want to be single and free of all the baggage, and I'm happily married!

This is an up-beat, no holds barred, this is not your pity party blog. She has picked herself up, brushed herself off, and is not looking back, and if you are just crawling out of a bad relationship, you might want to follow along or at least read her blog as she puts the pieces of her life back together and house in order.

The new Fedora C. is here. It is well written but not preachy - it shows her strength. It is funny, and brutally honest. I found it entertaining. She posts sporadically, sometimes once a week, sometimes every other week.

  • Do things you want to do --All by yourself
  • Make your crib your crib
  • Clean the closets baby
  • No time for cryin' in your collard greens
  • girl, get your house in order! Pt4

Ann Currie publishes My Life a Bit South of Normal
and also, Silver Pieces: The Strange and Peculiar

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