Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Among the Broken, Bible Prophecy Update, Control Your Cash

1. Among the Broken MAYBE
2. Bible Prophecy Update YES
3. Control Your Cash YES!

Among the Broken. I am a published literary fiction writer and an MFA grad. This blog is an exploration of the way I develop stories, an offering of completed original stories, and a discussion of other authors' work. Sometimes it is what I am thinking about on any given day and how I think these thoughts might influence or inspire the stories I create. Arts and entertainment.

This blog hasn’t been updated since Feb 3 (and I am writing this on Feb 15.) I’m going to take a chance and give this blog a yes, however, instead of putting it in the Inactive section of my Don’t Bother page. The author posts every couple of days, and according to her last post is on a retreat right now, and may well be buried in snow, thanks to the rash of snowstorms we’ve had recently.

This is an excellent blog for aspiring writers, and for those individuals who want to get an insight into the writer and his – or in this case her! – craft.

Here are the last five entries (The photos of course are low resolution grey scale but still fun:

-Where I need to go, soon (a description of her family’s retreat)
-Lions and tigers and bears and alligators (Just a photo – beware of the alligator is the ond near the bike path!
-Dorothy and Toto (sort of) another photo of author Meg Sefton and her dog
-Shoe and line (a short short story based on seeing a shoe on a highway)
-Alicia Shandra Holmes at the Kerouac House (a heads up on this author’s appearance at the Kerouac House.

This is the type of blog, with the updating every two or three days, that cries out to be subscribed to via Kindle. Saves the time of checking out the blog each day, and of course RSS feeds only give you truncated text and no photos! Kindle’s the way to go.

Bible Prophecy Update. A Daily Update of the Prophetic Events Concerning the Rapture of the Church, the Tribulation Period, The Return of Jesus Christ and Much More. A Daily Bible Study. A Daily Devotional. Topical studies such as Evolution, Intelligent Design, Archeological Discoveries, Controversial Subjects, Jesus verses Religion, Persecution, The Church, Religious Cults, Heaven, Prayer Requests, Marriage, Divorce, Family Issues and Many others exciting and informative subjects being added every month.. $1.99. Lifestyle and Culture, Religion and Spirituality sub category.

I’m not religious, and so my knowledge of the Bible is rather haphazard – I read a lot of Isaac Asimov’s non-fiction essays and he discusses the bible quite a bit (an atheist also, he nevertheless was fascinated with Bible history). I also don’t put much stock in “Bible Prophecy”, either. For those who do, however, this is probably a very interesting blog. There are daily devotions, some which seem to be transcriptions from verbal sermons, and also some news articles on the ongoing tragedy in the Middle East (Jews, Muslims and Christians have been fighting and killing each other in this, the most holy land, since religion started. It's either an irony or an obscenity...perhaps both.)

Recommended for those who are interested in this type of thing.

Control Your Cash. Control Your Cash is part manifesto and part owner’s manual. It helps the reader move from clueless, passive bystander to active, responsible consumer and investor.
Now, this is a blog that everyone should subscribe to. It may not save your life but it will certainly make you happier as it will assist you in handling your money better!

Managing your money these days is more important than ever. We’re being bombarded by advertisements telling us to welch on our debts (to the credit card companies, to mortgage companies, etc) and in some cities and towns, people are being actively recruited to get into welfare (in the case of food stamps)…none of the “working class” (as the British call what we Americans call the poor) are being encouraged to work their butts off to achieve middle class-ness, but instead to depend on the government to see them through.

Well…enough about me and my opinions of our financial debacle, let’s get to this blog.

The author would seem to be a Republican (there’s a review of the election of Scott Brown – although he was elected as an Independent, not a Republican). She has sound, common sense, "stand on your own two feet" ideas, tips and so on, in how to achieve financial security.

I absolutely, positively recommend this blog to everybody!

Here are the last five entries:

--Let’s see how he does with Other People’s Money – Scott Brown’s election and how his Democrat opponents made fun of the fact that he drove a truck
---Yip yip yip mum mum – College students are going for degrees that aren’t going to earn them any money, like journalism and liberal arts, instead of hard degrees (like technology and engineering) that will
--Almost certainly not how Carl Icahn got started – The story of Tessa Savicki, a welfare mom who has 9 kids, apparently, and baby daddies galore – and was “working on her GED” at the time of this story. When she gave birth to her latest kid, her tubes were tied without her knowledge, and now she and her lawyer [how can she afford a lawyer? Easy, he’s working pro bono and will take 75% of the money he screws out of the hospital] are saying that the doctors’ actions show how they hate the poor. The author of this blog point out that there’s a difference between being poor and being a deadbeat.
--Sacre bleu – the story of Haiti, and how a cruise ship docked there after the Earthquake. [Haiti has 80% unemployment, If the cruise ships stop coming, the other 20% become unemployed.]
--Think your lek can kick my colon? Get riyal – the dollar against other currencies
--Needless expenses, expelled – An exploration of why a membership at Costco makes good sense.

I love this blog, and I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. Ms Cairo,
    We're thrilled that you liked our Kindle blog "Control your Cash; Making Money Make Sense."

    Our mission is simple...we want you to stop letting money act on you - and actually take charge of it. We like to think we're changing the world one savings account at a time.

    We hope you'll stop by again. We'll definitely be checking back in here at your blog.

    Control your Cash (Betty & Greg)

    PS: He's a Republican. She's an Independent with a Libertarian streak.
