Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Rant for Bloggers on Kindle

Well, it's been at least five days since Amazon has updated their Kindle Blog Reports. I know several people have subscribed to this blog, and several have subscribed to some other blogs I have (such as shameless plug - Seaborn: Oceanography Blog ) - several on each day - and yet my numbers have not changed for each of those five days.

Very frustrating.

The problem is that Amazon's daily report regarding blogs is not updated in such a way that you *know* it's been updated. There's no date or time on the report, so the only way you know if the report has been updated on a particular day is if the actual number of your subscriptions is different.

And on those days when the numbers don't change, you just assume that Amazon has updated, but you've no new subscriptions (or worse, lost subscriptions!). Well, on this occasion I know for a fact that the report just isn't updating!

So, for those individuals out there hopefully checking your reports each day to see if anyone has subscribed, and seeing that no one hasn't don't despair yet.

I've complained to Amazon customer support. We'll see if anything happens.

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