Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday - reviews and golf

I've hit a bad patch of Kindle blogs today... most of the ones I've just subscribed to either have feeds that don't work properlty for the kindle, or haven't been active for a couple of months.

I'm writing reviews of those, but putting them on their Amazon page, rather than here.

And since I'm watching the final PGA golf tournament of the year, and pulling for Tiger to do badly and Phil to do well, I need to concentrate on that completely.

Blog reviews will appear here late tonight (if Phil does well and Tiger stinks) or tomorrow (if the opposite occurs)!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found you while I was (am) sitting on the couch, watching the same golf tournament, and simultaneously researching the Web for info about publicizing my blog on Kindle.

    As a Kindle reader and potential blog subscriber myself, I couldn't find a decent search function in the Kindle Store > Blogs, so how can I expect my future readers to find ME? Looks like reading your blog will be really educational. Just wanted to say hello.
