Sunday, October 10, 2010

Retro Review: Eliza on the Run



AMAZON SUBSCRIPTION LINK: Eliza on the Run, published by Eliza Nunez


BLOG DESCRIPTION: What comes after coach potato? Because that was me!

Now I am training for my first Marathon starting the journey.

I have many obstacles to overcome including starting at a weight that is considered OBESE, not knowing how to ride a bike (just learned in August '09) and not knowing how to swim (hope to learn before year's end '09).

It's a long road but I'm on my way!

MY REVIEW: A must-read blog for every woman trying to become fit. (ed. And, in my opinion, that should be a woman's goal. Not to "lose weight," but to become fit - because "becoming fit" encapsulates it all - a healthy diet and healthy exercise and a healthy attitude towards one's appearance.)

Eliza's blog is an inspiration and is must reading.

Here are a few sample paragraphs:
It wasn't meant to be ... or was it?

So last night, the weather nixed my run. As soon as I steped out the door it started to drizzle.

Not being one to be easily defeated, I decided I would do a few laps around the block and get a feel for the rain. By the time I finished the first lap, the downpour was starting and I ran inside and decided it would be a night for studying instead.

Today, I didn't really have a run on the schedule being that tomorrow is the Calle Ocho 8K but being that I've missed 3 runs (including yesterdays) over the last 10 days I wanted to get a few miles in. I promised myself it would be an easy run, no pushing myself and being that today I'd be visiting Mrs. Mom it would be on the treadmill ... but low and behold the set of running clothes I have stashed at Mrs. Mom's house was still in the washer (i.e. WET!)

I thought about taking this as a sign and I still might, but I tossed the clothes in the drier and am hoping to jump on the tready in the next half hour or so and get an easy run in. No goal on the mileage, just go with what I feel.

For now, I snuck in this blog post and a little review time while I wait.

-Race report: Calle Ocho 8K
-It wasn't meant to ne...or was it?
-Getting out of a slump (Running after missing a few days)
-Week in review
-The Plot Thickens (sharing the news that she is now officially a grad student)
-Week in review

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