REVIEWED BY: Marguerite Zelle
AMAZON SUBSCRIPTION LINK: High Altitude Gardening, by Kate Miller
WEB ADDRESS: http://highaltitudegardening.blogspot.com/
BLOG DESCRIPTION: Tips and tricks for gardening high in the Rocky Mountains.
Short summers, weird soil, such fun!
MY REVIEW: This is a great blog...but frankly I think you'd do better to visit it on the web rather than on the Kindle, because she provides lots and lots of gorgeous, full-color photos and to get the full impact, you do need to see them in color. Did I say these photos were gorgeous?
Highly recommended on the Kindle - but better on the web.
--The bell pepper uprising
--Thanksgiving Point Tulip festival
--The Merry Month
--5th Blogoversary
--An Easter Gift for the Bigguns
--Depressed daffodils and sad little tulips
Reviews published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
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