AMAZON SUBSCRIPTION LINK: The Kindle Reader, by Jan Zlendich
BLOG DESCRIPTION: Now that you have purchased a Kindle, how do you find good books to read? The Kindle Reader, written by a librarian and bibliophile, is all about saving you time in your search for that elusive "good read." Featuring regular posts like Genre Watch (the newest mystery, sci-fi, romance, fantasy and western fiction for your Kindle), E-books on the Cheap (a selection of free e-books from a variety of sources), Kindle books reviewed in Entertainment Weekly magazine, and reviews of historical fiction, biographies, and nonfiction, the Kindle Reader is updated regularly every other day.
MY REVIEW: If you like to buy full-price books on the Kindle (I confess I ue the Kindle for free books - the OOP classics of Jules Verne, HG Wells, etc. If I'm going to pay $9.99 for a book, it's going to be a print book!), then this is a must have.
I'm not really sure where the feeds are coming from. The website called The Kindle Reader does not have the same posts on it that are delivered to the Kindle. At the website, they talk about the Kindle itself, compare it with other ebooks, things like that. (Other blogs with "Kindle" in the name seem to get these same feeds.)
Also, I don't think The Kindle Reader is affiliated with Amazon... you can't purchase books from the links, which doesn't make sense. What you must do is click the "Add to Wish List" button, then, when you get on your computer, you can order them all.
Highly recommended.
--Kindle Genre Watch: Sci Fi, Romance, and Western Fiction
--Holy Kindle, Batman! Recent books on religion for the Kindle
--Books they're talking about: Kindle books in the Media
--Kindle Genre Watch: New in fantasy & mystery ficiton
--A week of entertainment: BOoks reviewed in Entertainment Weekly
Ms. Cairo writes two blogs of her own:
Winged Victory: Women in Aviation
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters
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